🚨🚨SPIRITUAL WARFARE ALERT: Reptilian shapeshifters are real and they're among us!! MY AUGUST 2015 EERIE, ACCIDENTAL,CLOSE-UP ENCOUNTER WITH A REPTILIAN SHAPESHIFTER IN GOVERNMENT PROVED THAT THEY EXIST. 🚨🚨 Pray for the deliverance, salvation and repentance of those in involved in Freemasonry, Order of The Eastern Star, The Shriners, the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, NWO, witches, warlocks, New Agers or any other antichrist spirit, satanic secret society, organization or group in Jesus' name. FYI, those coming against Trump belong to the elite, luciferian beast system. Yep, you read that right make no mistake about that! The wicked know their time is up and that their days of weeping and mourning hang over their heads in this hour and there's nothing they can do about it. Christ has weighed the wicked on his scales and the writing is on the wall. It's just a matter of moments to see the full manifestation of God's justice against these luciferians prevail! Folks, we are facing 2 wars: 1. a natural war in the political front and 2. a spiritual war. This post is intended to wake you up, to get you to seek, repent, sin no more, obey and abide in Christ and to get you to lock and load with the bible and Holy Spirit 24/7. The only one who can protect your behind from all evil, from all witchcraft, from all demonic attacks in the form of disease, tragedy, illness, pestilence, death, theft, destruction, curses, strongholds, addictions or attacks against your mind, body, heart, soul and spirit is Christ. We are NOT to walk in fear because fear comes from the devil! We are to walk in power, love and a sound mind and we are to walk in the power and authority of Christ at all times. God-fearing, bible literate, prophetic and discerning Christians are demon slayers in Jesus' name and we are not afraid to expose, to rebuke and to defeat the witches and warlocks in our midsts with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the word of God. The head of the serpent has been severed under our feet in Jesus' name. AUG 2015 ENCOUNTER WITH A REPTILIAN SHAPESHIFTER: During the summer of 2015 as I waited in my car after finishing errands, I noticed that the car parked next to mine had a "Christian" decal and an Order of the Eastern Star decal on its tail lights so immediately I wanted to warn the driver of the dangers. As soon as she approached me I saw her EYES SHAPESHIFT from BLACK SCLERAS into HAZEL ALLIGATOR/SNAKE EYES. Instantly I was petrified, in fact I had my head down crying out to JESUS to protect me. I warned her that her FREEMASON organization is Satanic but she denied it. Moments later she took off and I blessed her in Jesus' name. At the time, this eerie encounter left me numb for 2 days because I couldn't believe what I saw with my own eyes but I thank Jesus that his hand of protection is on me 24/7. The first time I've heard about reptilian shapeshifters was back in 2014 when the news talked about Justin Bieber's eyes shapeshifting while he was in jail. If you google the video you will see his eyes shapeshift and I remember seeing it LIVE and I didn't know what to make of it. After last summer's encounter, I can now say REPTILIAN SHAPESHIFTERS ARE REAL and they are among us!!! Many of these reptilians are freemasons and/or agents of the Illuminati and the New World Order (globalists). These people have demons inside of them and this is why in some cases you will see demonic manifestation on them. These people need their demons to be casted out in JESUS' name. For those that do not know the Illuminati, it's an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. This SATANIC coalition unites influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole. The Illuminati consists of freemasons and their goal is to promote the NEW WORLD ORDER. Their master plan is the creation of a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion under the AntiChrist and taking the mark of the beast. "Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead," (Revelation 13:16) Unfortunately many celebrities, politicians, world leaders, local leaders and athletes in the elite system have sold their souls to the devil for money, power and status. It is imperative in this final hour that we must pray for their salvation, repentance and deliverance in JESUS' name. If you or someone you know belongs to the Illuminati or is a freemason, it is time to repent, sin no more and abide in Christ. The LORD is about to flick off the FILTH of PERVERSION, PERDITION, CORRUPTION AND FREEMASONRY OFF THIS LAND AND THE NATIONS. For years, the LORD has been telling his intercessors to pray the following: "Expose the darkness, vindicate the wrongfully accused, all those that are guilty and have been acquitted let your scales of justice prevail. Give mercy to the wicked and send them dreams so they can repent and sin no more. If they don't want to repent, take away their wealth, shut down their businesses, shut down their organizations, remove their platforms of influence, humble them LORD JESUS because you will not be mocked! Destroy the temples of Baal, destroy the spiritual walls of Jericho, decimate the powers of darkness, topple over those satanic altars, burn those demons into dust, frustrate, cancel, annihilate the devil in the almighty name of JESUS CHRIST! " My friends it is time for the WORLD (believers and nonbelievers) to wake up! You either take the devil out or he will take you out! It's time to choose whom you will serve today! Whose side are you on? The devil or Christ? I want you to know that Jesus loves you and he is waiting for you to call out his name. Invite him into your heart, repent, sin no more, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, grab a bible, start praying, get baptized in the Holy Spirit and be holy. I speak life, truth, blessings over your life, your family, your ministry and your purpose in JESUS' name. For the original 2015 post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1231127126930791/?type=3&theater "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:11-12) "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. " (Ephesians 5:11) "And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed."(Romans 13:11) 🚨10/04/17 msg from Jesus: It's spiritual warfare- wake up! It's NWO Luciferians vs. Christians/Trump/Human Race https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1626663777377122/?type=3&theater 🚨Do not take the MICROCHIP! It's the mark of the beast! https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1607661129277387/?type=3&theater 🚨09/07/17 Dream from Jesus: Satanists exposed! They're tricking teens through ads for satanic sacrifices. https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1596784993698334/?type=3&theater 🚨THE ILLUMINATI IS REAL click here for the entire post: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/pb.732465156796993.-2207520000.1474477929./1226670017376502/?type=3&theater 🚨Natural eyes vs. Prophetic Spiritual Eyes to read the post about click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/pb.732465156796993.-2207520000.1474477929./1229477103762460/?type=3&theater 🚨01.11.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING POTUS TRUMP'S ENEMIES: THE MOLES WORKING UNDERGROUND AND THE ROACHES WORKING AT NIGHT WILL BE EXPOSED. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2915460395164114/?type=3&theater 🚨SEPT 2018 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING TOP U.S. WOMEN IN CONGRESS: COVEN OF WITCHES For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2911227268920760/?type=3&theater 🚨01.16.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THOSE INVOLVED IN THE IMPEACHMENT SIGNATURES: YOU JUST GAVE YOURSELF A SELF-INFLICTED DEATH WARRANT FOR GOING AGAINST THE LORD AND HIS ANOINTED. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2904562342920586/?type=3&theater 🚨01.02.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE WICKED WILL SQUEAL LIKE THE PIGS THAT THEY ARE. For the entire post click below: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2902210389822448/?type=3&theater 🚨01.10.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: THE BEAST MUST FALL! Just like King David who took down Goliath, President Trump is chosen by the LORD to take down the spiritual Goliath of our time known as the Beast system a.k.a. the globalist, Luciferian, Antichrist, iron and clay system already prophesied in the book of Daniel. As I prayed, I saw the tall, statue wobbling and swaying back in forth and then I heard the LORD say "the beast must fall". For the entire post click below: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2891256047584549/?type=3&theater 🚨09.28.19 Vision from Jesus during prayer: I saw Jesus crowning POTUS Trump twice. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/t.27614523/2701580079885481/?type=3&theater 🚨For every prophetic dream from JESUS about President Trump since 2015 click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563.1073741831.732465156796993/1275746905802146/?type=3&theater For every prophetic dream from the LORD regarding America, justice for the righteous and judgment for the wicked please scroll below. Stay strong and keep going in the name of Jesus. 🚨12.29.19 msg from JESUS: "LIBERTY BELL" I heard the bell ring a few times in my spirit during prayer. Just like the LORD set the Israelites free from slavery and bondage in Egypt so will it be for the people of this land. Just like the LORD stripped the power of the wicked and drowned the enemies of Israel, so will it be for the wicked that are coming against the righteous. Daniel 5:27 Tekel means ‘weighed’—you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up."Exodus 14:13-14 "Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” The LORD's declaration of independence to deliver his people from the oppression of the wicked is coming. 🙌#THANKYOUJESUS🙌#JUSTICE For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2873701059340048/?type=3&theater 🚨08.04:19 MSG FROM JESUS: America, you cannot take this country back without me. (Please share and tag people to this post so we can pray for our country and our President Trump in Jesus' name.) #spiritualwarfare Click below: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2563426183700872/?type=3&theater 🚨05.07.19 DREAM FROM JESUS FOR THE USA: 2 Chronicles 7:14 IT WILL TAKE THE HAND OF GOD, THE WORD OF GOD AND NATIONWIDE PRAYER OF REPENTANCE FOR TRUMP2020. For the entire post please click link below: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2402663689777123/?type=3&theater 🚨05.01.19 DREAM FROM JESUS: THE WORD OF GOD, THE HAND OF GOD & THE POWER OF PRAYER WILL GIVE TRUMP THE VICTORY IN 2020. POTUS TRUMP TRUSTS JESUS #Psalm20v7 For the entire post please click link below: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2402663689777123/?type=3&theater 🚨12.22.19 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING NEW DECADE: "ROARING 20s" For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2856021267774694/?type=3&theater 🚨12.29.18 MSG & VISION FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: "RIGHTEOUS ROAR" I HEARD THE ROAR OF THE LION OF JUDAH AND THEN I HEARD THE SOUND OF THE LION'S PAWS HITTING THE GROUND AS IT PICKED UP MOMENTUM. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2214633228580171/?type=3&theater 🚨12.19.17 MSG FROM JESUS:ATTENTION GOD-FEARING, BIBLE LITERATE, PROPHETIC, ONFIRE, HOLY, OBEDIENT, PERSECUTED & SUFFERING WARRIORS FOR CHRIST. IT'S TIME TO LAUGH & TO DANCE. Get your dancing shoes and thank Jesus! For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1698002403576592/?type=3&theater 🚨12/19/17 MSG FROM JESUS: IT'S TIME FOR THE WICKED TO MOURN For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563.1073741831.732465156796993/1697090843667748/?type=3&theater 🚨Dec 2017 MSG FROM JESUS: Joel 2:25 "AND I WILL RESTORE TO YOU THE YEARS THAT THE SWARMING LOCUST HAS EATEN, THE CRAWLING LOCUST, AND THE CONSUMING LOCUST, AND THE CUTTING LOCUST, MY GREAT ARMY WHICH I SENT AMONG YOU." For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1704686712908161/?type=3&theater 🚨12.20.19 MSGS FROM JESUS FOR THE WICKED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CHURCH: "WALKING PAPERS." and "IN ORDER TO HIRE HE MUST FIRE." Walking papers: notice of dismissal from a job. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2847990411911113/?type=3&theater 🚨11.17.19 Vision from JESUS during prayer: I saw a huge, powerful wave and this wave represents the move of God through his sovereign hands. I heard the word "CRASHING" and like a tidal wave which is full of immense power, speed and strength, GOD is going to CRASH over every area/place where the wicked are seated and FLOOD those areas with his chosen, remnant, on-fire, Christian children for such a time as this. The wicked who are in power will be drowned out and they have no power against the hand of Christ. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2811760618867426/?type=3&theater 🚨12.18.19 msg from Jesus during prayer: "20/20 Vision" In addition to clarity it is imperative for the remnant to partner with God's vision and not their own! It's all about God, his will, his plans, his promises and his agenda period! Any Christian who loses focus on God and who operates in the flesh through selfish ambitions, pride, vanity, celebrity, greed, envy, jealousy etc will be replaced! For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2847477465295741/?type=3&theater 🚨12.17.19 msg from JESUS: Seasons of plenty and Seasons of Famine -It's time for the spiritual Josephs to rise and to occupy the positions of power and influence in order to prepare the nations for the seasons of plenty and of famine. Just like Joseph who stored the grain to save people from starvation so will it be for the spiritual Josephs to prepare the nations to live on every word that comes from the mouth of God for these End Times. READ GENESIS 41, MATTHEW 24, MARK 13, LUKE 21 For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2837155662994588/?type=3&theater 🚨11.19.19 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: "RAID". Crooked churches will be raided on. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2823519124358242/?type=3&theater 🚨11.19.19 VISION AND MESSAGE FROM JESUS FOR THE REMNANT: During prayer I saw a gold chair having an engraved named plate. These gold chairs are reserved for the God-fearing, obedient, holy, pure, consecrated, on-fire Christians of the LORD and no one else can occupy their place. As each person took his/her seat, I saw Jesus placing a crown over their heads which represented his ordination and his blessing. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2802512439792244/?type=3&theater 🚨11.30.18 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: I SAW JESUS' GAVEL STRIKING THE EARTH AND I HEARD THE WORD "SHAKING." For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2165173383526156/?type=3&theater 🚨05.11.18 MSG FROM JESUS FOR CHURCH & MINISTRY LEADERS: SHUFFLE https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1865483043495193/?type=3&theater 🚨SPRING 2016 VISION FROM JESUS: MEN IN BUSINESS SUITS ARRESTED (with handcuffs in front of them) For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1251216461588524/?type=3&theater 🚨10.11.16 Dream from JESUS: PROSTITUTION RINGS WILL BE EXPOSED For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1250956344947869/?type=3&theater 🚨04.26.17 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS: "LIQUIDATE" JESUS WILL LIQUIDATE THE MINISTRIES THAT AREN'T HIS. JESUS WILL LIQUIDATE THE ASSETS & THE FUNDS. https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1463345207042314/?type=3&theater 🚨11.26.17 DREAM FROM JESUS: GOD WILL DESTROY THE ALTARS OF IDOLATRY, BAAL & WITCHCRAFT. https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563.1073741831.732465156796993/1681318798578286/?type=3&theater 🚨APRIL 2017 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS TO TRUMP'S ENEMIES: HAMAN For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563.1073741831.732465156796993/1586811451362355/?type=3&theater 🚨MAY 2017 MSG FROM JESUS:"TIP THE SCALES, SHIFT, THE RIGHTEOUS WILL RULE & REIGN" For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563.1073741831.732465156796993/1496504817059686/?type=3&theater 🚨For every prophetic dream from JESUS about GOD's judgment against the wicked and his scales of justice prevailing For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563.1073741831.732465156796993/1251216461588524/?type=3&theater 🚨11.03.19 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: IF YOU ARE BUILDING SOMETHING FOR ME AND YOU TAINT IT WITH BAAL (EVIL), I WILL TEAR IT DOWN LIKE I DID WITH SOLOMON. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2776661325710689/?type=3&theater 🚨08.22.19 Msg from JESUS: The Theological House of Cards is falling down For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2601252483251575/?type=3&theater 🚨05.26.19 msg from Jesus: WHIP! JESUS WILL WHIP THE CHURCHES/MINISTRIES THAT AREN'T HIS. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2481130295263795/?type=3&theater 🚨07.11.18 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS: JESUS IS SWEEPING HIS LAND. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1932978300079000/?type=3&theater 🚨Fall 2018: WAR HORSES: Jesus is going to release his remnant army as war horses ready to stampede the powers of darkness and to occupy the positions of power and influence in the marketplace for his glory in the name of Christ. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2081552011888294/?type=3&theater 🚨11/27/15 msg from JESUS "People are tired of worldly ways. There's a NEW TIDE coming from worldly ways into KINGDOM WAYS." For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/t.27614523/1180263745350463/?type=3&theater 🚨Fall 2015: CHANGE THE STATUS QUO- Jesus will change the status quo For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/1004663376243835/?type=3&theater 🚨Dec 2015: OVERRIDE- Jesus will override every detestable law off this land. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/t.27614523/1336208296422673/?type=3&theater 🚨Spring 2016: FLICK- Jesus will flick off the filth off this land For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563.1073741831.732465156796993/1124569300919908/?type=3&theater 🚨Spring 2016: BULLDOZE- Jesus will bulldoze his way For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/t.27614523/1010698182307021/?type=3&theater 🚨Sept 2015: FROM HOLLYWOOD TO HOLYWOOD- Jesus will clean up Hollywood so they will know that it was the wood on the cross which Christ died for them too. For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/t.27614523/1007629439280562/?type=3&theater 🚨Summer 2015: REVIVAL - OVERCROWDED STADIUMS For the entire post click here: https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/t.27614523/1007227285987444/?type=3&theater