12.13.19 Vision & Msg from Jesus during prayer: "Charge" & then the movie scene from Braveheart
🚧🛑🚨12.13.19 Vision & Msg from Jesus during prayer: "Charge" and then I saw an image of the battle scene from the movie Braveheart. It's time to wear the Armor of GOD more than ever! A charge is a maneuver in battle in which combatants advance towards their enemy at their best speed in an attempt to engage in close combat, most commonly a melee. Attention, Truth tellers, patriots and prayer warriors who love Jesus, who love America and who love President Trump it is time to coalesce, to lock shields and to take our country back through fervent prayer and leadership as we head towards the Nov 2020 elections. "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)
🚨Our nation is at war and this is NOT the hour to work in silos or to be about our personal business! As Christians we are to focus on GOD, his agenda, his vision, his purpose and his promise in order for them to manifest in our nation and around the world.
🚨During prayer this afternoon I got this from the LORD: -The Ishmaels have got to go! 👋 -New wine, new wineskins! 🍇🍇🍇 -Promotion & Demotion!⬆️⬇️ -Those that exalt themselves will be humbled. 🃏 -Those that humble themselves will be exalted. 🤴👸👋☢️💲💰🎤 Fleshly, worldly, ungodly, selfish ambitious, greedy, vain, "it's all about me, my platform, my influence, my voice, my opportunity" "Christians" have got to go because they are NOT part of the promise! What was conceived in the flesh the hand of GOD is not there! Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. 🙌🙇♀️🌈🔥💡📖🍇🧂 What was conceived in the spirit is part of God's promise and it's time for the army of Isaacs to rise, to take their place and to walk into what's rightfully theirs. These are the God-fearing, bible-literate, prophetic, discerning, humble Christians who love GOD and choose to partner with his heart and his spirit. These spiritual Isaacs are those who have sacrificed, who have picked up their crosses to follow Jesus, who have labored, who have gone through the wilderness, who have gone through pain, affliction and long-suffering to fulfill their callings and who have been consecrated unto GOD for his purpose and his glory.
🚨Folks again this is NOT the hour: -to walk in the flesh, -to be prideful, -to be selfish or greedy, -to get distracted, -to lose hope, -to whine, -to mope, -to retreat, -to give up or -to drop our weapons of our warfare which are not carnal! 🙌🙇♀️📖🔥It's time to get on our knees and pray fervently for our nation's repentance and to pray fervently for our president's protection including the protection of every patriot and truth teller in Jesus' name. We need to be focused! We need to be strong and courageous! We need JESUS to go before us in order to get to the promise land and to see his justice manifest in our lives as well as our enemies. Be holy, be pure, be humble before GOD and the brethren.Stay cemented on the bible and Holy Spirit 24/7 and let's sharpen each other's iron with the word daily. Last but not least "do not leave a brother/sister" behind. God bless! "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete." (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)
🚧🛑🚨Back in September the LORD said: God is looking at the hearts of men in this hour. God will use the weak and foolish to shame the wise and strong. https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2662882423755247/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨Proverbs 16:18 states "Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall." https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2718886954821460/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨09.24.19 MSG FROM JESUS: YOU CANNOT ENTER THE PROMISE LAND WITHOUT ME https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2729094313800724/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨11.05.19 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: Don't be the cursed fig tree https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2758065134236975/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨11.03.19 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: IF YOU ARE BUILDING SOMETHING FOR ME AND YOU TAINT IT WITH BAAL (EVIL), I WILL TEAR IT DOWN LIKE I DID WITH SOLOMON. https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2776661325710689/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨09.10.19 msg from Jesus: To the Christian remnant warriors who decided to love and serve God and are crossing over to the promise land YOU ARE THE JOSHUA GENERATION. https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2662784983764991/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨04.19.19 msg from Jesus: New wine, new wineskins https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2388242474552578/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨08.04:19 MSG FROM JESUS: America, you cannot take this country back without me. ( Please share and tag people to this post so we can pray for our country and our President Trump in Jesus' name.) #spiritualwarfare https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2563426183700872/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨05.07.19 DREAM FROM JESUS FOR THE USA: 2 Chronicles 7:14 IT WILL TAKE THE HAND OF GOD, THE WORD OF GOD AND NATIONWIDE PRAYER OF REPENTANCE FOR TRUMP2020. https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2402663689777123/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨BAND OF BROTHERS! #lockshields#weareallinthistogether#unitedwestand#dividedwefall https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2327042007339292/?type=3&theater
🚧🛑🚨Church we have to come together in TRUTH & in SPIRIT in JESUS' name. #LOCKINGSHIELDS https://www.facebook.com/john832thetruth/photos/a.806799449363563/2231874313522729/?type=3&theater
