Nov 6, 2020
🚨12.18.19 msg from Jesus during prayer: "20/20 Vision"
🚨🚨🚨12.18.19 msg from Jesus during prayer: "20/20 Vision" In addition to clarity it is imperative for the remnant to partner with God's...

Nov 6, 2020
12.13.19 Vision & Msg from Jesus during prayer: "Charge" & then the movie scene from Braveheart
🚧🛑🚨12.13.19 Vision & Msg from Jesus during prayer: "Charge" and then I saw an image of the battle scene from the movie Braveheart....

Nov 6, 2020
Church we have to come together in TRUTH & in SPIRIT in JESUS' name. #LOCKINGSHIELDS #nomoreegos #nomoreearthlyagendas...